By Dora - 12/10/2009 13:21 - Canada

Today, I won 10,555 dollars on scratch cards! My sister got me to do a happy dance and filmed it. The video is on facebook and the tickets were fake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 264
You deserved it 7 987

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think that is so cruel to do to a person...

Brooklynxman 0

3 easy steps to solving the problem Kill her. Hack her facebook. Remove it. Step 4-Bonus step: Get $10,000 from her will.


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I've always wanted to kick the shit out of people who say first...

Linkage for the Lolage. Btw number one. You fail at being a failure of fail.

YDI for believing you actually won a scratchy card.

At least you didn't end up like this guy.

I think that is so cruel to do to a person...

Yeah i guess... But i wish we had a link to it -.-

spyderman2190 0

i agree i feel bad, but thats pretty funny... the excitement, the dancing, the smiles and then the face of disappoinment.

But isn't it kinda suspicious that you won 10555 bucks? Seems like a really odd number to be won

I've always wanted to do this to my brother. Get back at him for all the piss bottles he tried to make me "accidentally" drink. All the times he tattle tailed on me when we were younger...hogging the bathroom...etc. D: If you've ever done this to your sister, YDI!! XD

crzyry 6

Lol, I did something like that to my brother before. It's funny, if you don't think so now, watch the video again in a couple years.

Brooklynxman 0

3 easy steps to solving the problem Kill her. Hack her facebook. Remove it. Step 4-Bonus step: Get $10,000 from her will.

She should put it on YouTube. Maybe your little dance of avarice will go viral and you'll be the next "Numa Numa Boy." Not only will you be out 10 grand, but you'll be a briefly famous idiot.

Sun_Kissed18 25

Facebook is probably more humiliating than youtube. It's all of her friends who see it instead of a bunch of random people.

You are right that it is probably more humiliating to be seen by the few who know you than by millions who don't. The beauty part about technology is: why not both?

The beauty part about the technology also involves everything, especially stupid videos, spreading fast everywhere.

evangldbrg 0

Since this seems to come up in FML's alot. SUE HER for the 10 G's. While you may not have a case or a valid reason to do so without checking with your local laws first, it still seems like a good thing to do. Apparently everyone that is sue-happy on FML would think so.

Don't know why this would be an FML. I've seen this happen on america's funniest home videos. Fake lotto cards, people screaming. only difference here is OP has his friends see it. the people on amv had that shown on national tv. I see no reason to say fyl or ydi.