By AJShow80 - 13/04/2009 08:51 - United States

Today, I won 20 dollars on a lotto scratch off. My friend, pissed, makes me split the money, saying it was collateral for the gas money used to get us there. He then used his 10 dollars on a scratch off, and won 500 dollars. The jackass wouldn't split it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 123 268
You deserved it 18 236

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kissothis 6

"friend"? **** that. he could have given you SOMETHING... $500 is enough to hand at least $50 over... unless he was in dire need for that financially.

What a douche. Somebody who throws some shitty hissyfits over ten bucks is the kind of asshole I would distance myself from immediately.


shani__ 0

ha! oh no! Just steal it and be all "I get half of it because it was half of my winnings" I'll annoy people by saying.... FIRST!

tobyraza 0

It has to be one car with a horrible MPG to get there. $10 worth of gas could get you around 80 - 90 miles.

Lol! I wouldn't split 500$ either. Okay, think of it this way, you lost 10$, he would've lost 250$. :) Ugh and #1 copied my earlier post on a different FML...

mm splitting 500 is a bit different but its still poor form of him.

boomBOOMshake 0

That's retarded. And it seems too good to be true.

kissothis 6

"friend"? **** that. he could have given you SOMETHING... $500 is enough to hand at least $50 over... unless he was in dire need for that financially.

tobyraza 0

@9 Exactly, I would've at least given the $10 back, I mean $490 is just the same as $500

actually number 168 490 is quite different than 500.. in fact they only share one common number... plus 490 is $10 less than 500... and also 490 is not as good as 500 because it is less

What a douche. Somebody who throws some shitty hissyfits over ten bucks is the kind of asshole I would distance myself from immediately.