By Jennagirl - 12/10/2009 14:03 - Australia
Same thing different taste
By Lilie - 17/12/2008 10:25 - France
By eeelise5296 - 01/03/2012 20:39 - United States
By StrawberryJuicey - 13/12/2009 18:39 - United States
By sm702 - 12/07/2011 16:45 - United States
By fmll - 17/12/2011 13:17 - Norway
By Anonymous - 24/02/2011 22:09 - United States
By Noname - 17/01/2009 13:31 - United States
By Anonymous - 02/01/2011 00:51 - Canada
Kinda sus
By embarrassed - 03/07/2010 07:14 - Australia
By O.o - 20/02/2011 08:15 - Australia
Top comments
Hitting that B instead of the D
dear dumb ****, breast size is not strictly correlated to being obese or overweight. she could have a perfectly gorgeous body and have b's or d's. and OP- it might have been that it was one of his ex's bras, especcially if it was a while ago. confront him face to face about it. that will be the easiest way to tell if he is lying to you. And he is an idiot for not knowing the difference. but if he were cheating on you, he might have been more careful to check in the first place...
#17's right. Who the **** are you to make assumptions #15? God people like you irritate me -_- A real man can handle a lot more woman than you can apparently. That sucks though OP, but I wouldn't jump to conclusions. Just ask him about it...
#48 Not always the case. I'm stick skinny but I wear size D cups and I have a butt...
yeah I agree. there's more to it than just weight, like genetics and body distribution. I have an hourglass shape so I guess that would qualify me as curvy or whatever, so I have boobs, a butt, and hips, but my waist is like 8 inches smaller than my hips, and my hips and bust are the same size, and I have a very flat stomach.
Her Fairy Godmother paid her a visit when she noticed her bf wasn't satisfied.
****! it replied to the wrong ******* comment >:-(
i lost a bunch of weight and my boobs actually got bigger. i was a B in 9th grade then i lost like 25 pounds and now i'm a 34DD. my waist is like 10 inches smaller than my hips it actually freaks me out a little. but i'm 5ft 4' and weigh like 120 pounds. You don't have to be overweight to have boobs, hips and a butt. If you seriously make that assumption, you have noo idea what you're missing in the world.
Not only are you mean and rude, the only reason you say that is probably because you only get flat-chested women to look at you and you need something to tell yourself to make yourself feel better. Oh boo hoo, grow up little boy. Oh and also I got DOUBLE D's and yet I'm not obese. So get it right.
And you're the reason this country is going to shit. You're just retarded aren't you? You don't need to be obese to have big breasts. Cheating is never acceptable. You're ******* retarded. Get a life and go **** yourself.
Yes #48, we all understand what breasts are, and didnt need your wikipedia definition to clarify for us. Although you have a point, exceptions to the rule are way too common. There is no way to conclusively tell whether a woman is underweight or overweight bc of her breast cup size, so no assumptions (especially rude ones) should be made on the message board about the OP's weight.
why does she have to be fat? Can't a girl have Ds and be healthy or skinny, whatever the hell you want to call it?
sounds like you're a fatass
Check out all the fat ass chicks defending themselves lol
to # 15 I am NOT fat and I got double Ds so you're a loser!
38 u right
If it was a while ago then maybe it's from his previous girlfriend. Could be that it was under his bed or somewhere else and he had just recently found it. Or maybe he's trying to get you to break up with him. *shrugs* Pick your favorite explanation.
...or he could be cheating on her.
That would appear to be the obvious explanation. But I'm giving him a little lee-way, considering the OP says "a while ago".
I believe that when she said a while ago, she meant in that day. Not like a while ago last year.
She definitely did not mean "that day"... I was thinking a couple weeks to a couple months. I'd ask before making any rash decisions. Also, I do not understand how one leaves a bra or (from previous FMLs) a thong at their boyfriends house. Do they just drive home without it on? Do they not feel the difference...? I could imagine leaving a jacket or phone at my boyfriend’s house but not a bra.
Not necessarily. There have been lots of times where I've spent the night at a boyfriend's place and not brought a change of clothes. I always had class or work the next morning so I would change after I got back to my place and had showered. && I'm thinking the same as a lot of the girls on here. How do you leave without your bra on?
o.o; That is impressive, woman or not. Damn, that is pretty cool, but disturbing at the same time...
That seems as though it would be painful, like a sadistic mammogram or something (or masochistic in her case, but no one gives mammograms to themself). :/
Why are boys so retarded when it comes to covering up their bull? LOL. I think CLEARLY a B cup bra would be extremely smaller than the D could he not tell it wasn't yours? -facepalm-
How does one not notice the cup size difference between a B and a D in the first place? I'd never mistake a C for one of my DD's O.o
Love how you ever so casually managed to put in your bra cup size there
#12, lol I was wondering how many females (or males o.O) were going to discuss how overly endow they are in the bust region, or mention their bust size in general. So far I got one on the list.
Littlexlion, you're going to get very overwhelmed with that game. XD So far, 98% of the posts I've read were girls "casually" slipping in their cup size to "defend the OP from fat remarks". Though I refuse to believe that every girl here has triple E cup sizes, despite the many claims, and it's actually pretty sad if they're making up fake measurements online. :/
You feel the need to post this as a reply AND message me about it? Really, I honestly don't care, so there's really no point in trying so hard to catch my attention. Again, I don't care about your bra size, so no need to reassure me of it.
I'm an A-cup. And you don't see me hiding it or lying about it. I don't see any reason why a girl should "brag" if they have D's either. It's all about the whole package. If the rest of the body doesn't match the boobs, it doesn't matter how big (or little) they are. My A's fit my body. I'm a tad on the shorter side and come from a very petite family. Do I wish I had bigger boobs? Not a chance. I'm perfectly fine with my A's, thank you very much. :)
lol, you made me laugh Witchcraft. Yeah, I decided to leave the website for a couple of hours, and then come back and tally up the scores. I recorded about 12 people commenting about their bust size, give or take 2. I didn't really scrutinize the comments. Frankly, I don't really care if people flaunt off their chest size, I just find it amusing. :D
Lem0n's got it. As long it fits and you're happy with the way you are, who cares? Agreed, Littlexlion. XD I decided not to count because I figured I might lose track. It is amusing though, especially when their measurements are irrelevant to the point of their post. :D
OP could wear a 34D and the mystery bra could have been a 38B, in which case the cups would technically be the same size, and it wouldn't be all that difficult to mix them up. Funny how a lot of women don't really seem to know much about how bra sizing actually works.
Well, apparently the majority of women wear the wrong bra size. The numbers range from 80-90%.
so anyway, i was going to use this as an opportunity to boast about my e-cups, but...i wont. hehe see what i did there?
Sexy, perky, petite A cups FTW STOP THE BOOB DISCRIMMINATION I reckon that the people who would put down small boobs are most likely: 1. fat, insecure girls 2. ignorant loser types of guys- probably single or have self esteem issues and need to use their gfs boob size as a boost to their shallow ego 3. insecure people in general Funny how girls with big boobs are quick to brag about it and put down 'flat-chested' A cups, when you don't get many slim girls being quick to brag about being sexy and slim with a lovely flat stomach and call people fat.....
They would look similar until OP examined the cup size, which she probably wouldn't do until she got home, as in this FML. If you go up a cup size and down a band size, it's basically the same size, just extra room for boobs. Vice versa, smaller cup/bigger band size - more room for your body. Learn bras before comment.
I know this is from a while a go, but franfran... You couldn't be more wrong. I am an A cup and proud to be.
Well here's some good news: your a size D
maybe your boobs grew since you left it there. or do you have a younger sister? not for the fml, for me, if you have D's she most likely has a promising future ahead of her ;)
Yeah, I'm sure a younger sister would be spending the night at her boyfriends house....|: OP: It was probably an old girlfriends. After all, you did say "from a while ago".
Previous girlfriend? You did say it was from "a long time ago." Could've been an honest mistake.
So you're a size D? And you're soon to be single, eh?
hell yeah man i was thinking the same thing. this guy must be a total idiot to drop the D and go B. what a waste. feel free to come by High Point NC anytime :D

If it was a while ago then maybe it's from his previous girlfriend. Could be that it was under his bed or somewhere else and he had just recently found it. Or maybe he's trying to get you to break up with him. *shrugs* Pick your favorite explanation.
Love how you ever so casually managed to put in your bra cup size there