
By sourgirl101 - 01/03/2023 06:00

Today, while buying lottery tickets, I mixed up "jackpot" and "scratch off" and asked for "$10 worth of jackoffs." FML
I agree, your life sucks 419
You deserved it 557

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, the going rate for jackoffs is $20, so for $10, you can only get a half of a jackoff, which is worse than not having any!


If you didn't win jackoffs sounds about right.

Well, the going rate for jackoffs is $20, so for $10, you can only get a half of a jackoff, which is worse than not having any!

tiptoppc 19

Knowing that is always handy!

Wadlaen 23
tiptoppc 19

Jackoffs are around the back, at the bathroom, and smoking.