By blakeintheoffice - 08/08/2012 13:53 - United States
Same thing different taste
By AFSDALK:AFSDQWE - 23/11/2013 18:33 - United States - Hillsboro
Skill issue
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States
By Username - 21/03/2012 17:10 - United States - Brooklyn
Make your mind up
By Jason Brazil - 13/08/2019 14:00
Not now, mate
By yuen - 16/06/2009 14:59 - Australia
By teaspoonzz - 25/10/2017 15:00
By NoPrivacy - 26/04/2012 10:44 - United States
Planning ahead
By Ma_Nikka - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Olivehurst
By DingusGinger - 21/04/2019 02:00
America, fix your bathroom stalls
By Anonymous - 11/10/2024 06:00 - United States - Denver
Top comments
Maybe it would be sexual harassment...
what kind of boss has time for that?
91 - So you're saying they don't do anything then?
Your boss, a male, has a copy of 50 shades? I read somewhere that most people who bought it were women over 40...
Woah beyotch u got a lot of thumbs!!!!! NICE!!
Or maybe just poop less?
snitches get stiches

50 Shades of Grey is a great book. Embrace it, your boss will eventually give up..probably.
50 shades of grey is a poorly written **** book based off of the characters in twilight that romanticizes abusive relationships. Yeah great book ._.
25&31 thank you for your undertanding! i was trying to be sarcastic, but unfortunatly idiots here dont understand that. that, and people love to hate.
19, where in twilight is an abusive relationship?
#2- What I'm actually curious and slightly worried about is the fact that at 14 you have read fifty shades of grey.
Kids start earlier and earlier haha
71- it is emotional and mental abuse. This is why Bella in Twilight seemed to "die inside" when she wasn't around Edward in the first movie (never wasted my time reading the books, or watched a movie after my ex husband forced me to watch half of the first one), and he used that to his advantage knowing that she couldn't live without him. Pathetic women, in my opinion.
61- There is no possible way I could read your other comment as sarcasm.
Are you kidding me? You can fid better smut on the Internet. That book doesn't even have good smut! I've read PWPs with better plot and ****!
It originally was a fan fiction. People call it mommy **** now because mostly mothers read it. I personally find it rather tame.
I love reading the replies
That book is terrible. There is so much better smut than that. It has the writing mechanics of a 3 year old.
73- in all honesty I think they need to start carding ages for certain books. I'm 20, and I couldn't get past the first sex scene in the first book with out wanting to hurl, I didn't find that book a romance novel, just a porno in the form of a book. All I could think of when reading the book was, that it is trash. Children shouldn't be reading smut like that. At all. In my opinion.
It sucks. No opinion. It just sucks.
I remember my dads girlfriend telling me that the sex scenes weren't even well written, the plot sucked and it was just an all around bad boom.
Oh thank god! I thought I was the only person who saw the similarity! It's a shit ass book that repeats itself over and over!!
I don't know what everybody's talking about, I enjoyed 50 Shades of Grey so much I could only hold it with one hand.
If you want to read a good book about vampires; read "Salem's Lot" by Stephen King.
When you go again, drop a apple or something heavy in the toilet and say ahhh. Or just bring earplugs.
But..... would you have to go back in for the apple?.... I don't think apples are considered flushable.
That is a waste of a good apple, sir/ ma'am.
I've read it, it's disturbing. If he gets near the end you're ******
That would have to be a pretty powerful toilet to flush an apple. Or at least have a big hole at the bottom.
Holy shit! Praise the lord! Not Voldemort though. Rest in pieces, bitch.
Op's boss obviously just really wanted to read the book .
That's ******* hilarious. I think it would probably be funnier if I knew what fifty shades of grey was.
Very nasty erotica book that the author originally wrote as a Twilight fan-fic.
Take Twilight, and make it 20 times worse. That's 50 Shades of Grey.
That book should be called 50 shades of GAAAAAAAYYY. *insert that seal that shouts "GAAAAAYYY" all the time*
Or 50 lampshades of grey. It's just a book containing 50 ridiculous grey lampshades.
"Dude! This lampshade is grey as ****!" Sorry, but I have to ask: are both 'grey' and 'gray' correct spellings?
Unless I'm mistaken 'gray' is the US spelling, while brits spell it with an 'e'. So technically both are correct, yes. :)
And 50 Shades of Grey was originally a Twilight stated by the first reply in this thread.
False. The author of 50 Shades literally began it as post-Twilight fanfiction. Edit: above comment beat me to the punch.
Wait... Twilight gets worse?? I thought that was impossible...
Edward Cullen is not a vampire. He doesn't shrivel up in the sunlight, and sparkles in the day. He's just an immortal frilly pedophile with a stupid haircut and glued glitter to himself.
Reminded me of Beavis and Butthead when they took "bathroom breaks" for the entire shift and found out it was illegal to be fired for it
"I get payed to take a dump?!"
I hear it's a good book.
You must be deaf.
You've been lied to.
I'd rather eat popcornography.
I heard it's a good book... a classic example of How Not To Write Smut.
What an assclown of a boss.. Time for a trip to the HR department!

Maybe you should file a claim....
50 shades of grey is a poorly written **** book based off of the characters in twilight that romanticizes abusive relationships. Yeah great book ._.