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By Ineedlotsofwater - 23/01/2015 16:41 - United States - Seattle

Today, I found out why I receive random drug tests at work. The safety department was specifically told by my boss to check up on me because I always seem way too cheerful to not be high. I've passed every single test. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 738
You deserved it 2 737

Same thing different taste

Top comments

On the bright side, you'll probably cheer up about that situation very soon with how cheerful you are, buddy.

I personally feel like in a sense that's a compliment! A lot of people wish they could seem as happy as that I'm sure! Congrats on passing every test, really showed them! :)


I moderated this FML and i, said yes to it!!!

bryce0110 23

Don't worry OP, something good similar has happened me me as I am ADHD so I get hyper. Don't let it bother you.

bryce0110 23

Why do comments like this always get dislikes? Most do and then there is the rare comment like this with top comment. I don't understand the community of FML.

Accidental up votes? I've done it sometimes.

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Wow #16, good thing you know so much more than a bunch of scientists and doctors. #2 and everyone else diagnosed with ADHD/ADD can now move on with their lives knowing it's not real. Thank you!

why is this disliked? it's awfully annoying. it's positive.

On the bright side, you'll probably cheer up about that situation very soon with how cheerful you are, buddy.

I highly doubt the world could get OP down!

I find it funny how people nowadays think you can't just be cheerful without being on something.

incoherentrmblr 21

I swear this some form of professional harassment where they're just trying to find any reason to fire someone...

Awesome! You're high on life dude! *virtual high five*

OP's Boss: Are you taking drugs while on the clock!? OP: I'm just high on a little drug called life, sir. OP's Boss: Life huh? OP: That's right, sir. It comes in these little baggies and it's blue and it makes you feel AWESOME!!! OP's Boss: ..........uh? OP: Funniest thing is that the guy who sold it to me looks just like Malcolm's dad.

Boss: So I see you passed your drug test. OP: yes sir. Boss: Well in that case we're going have to let you go.... OP: excuse me sir? Boss: Yeah, we dont work with loosers *whips out ray bands and snaps a bong*

I personally feel like in a sense that's a compliment! A lot of people wish they could seem as happy as that I'm sure! Congrats on passing every test, really showed them! :)

eatingmypickles 12

Hey there! Don't be worried about being too cheerful, there's just too many miserable people in this world that don't know how to handle a positive vibe! They're just jealous. Don't make yourself any less cheerful, I'm sure that some people rely on your chipper vibe to smile.

Jeez his boss should be happy, at least he has an employee that's actually happy to be there everyday.

In that case, those would not be 'random' drug tests

which might be illegal, depending on where you live

Drug tests don't have to be random, they just can't target all the black people, or white, or whatever