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By dragynfyre - 06/03/2012 05:37 - United States

Today, my boss called me out for a drug test. His reason was because my eyes are puffy and bloodshot, making me look high. I've been suffering from allergies all week, but still had to pee in a cup in front of a complete stranger. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 914
You deserved it 2 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jDCrackpot 7

Better to pee in a cup in front of a stranger than get fired for refusing to take a drug test. Sure it's uncomfortable but if you haven't taken anything you've got nothing to hide.

alstbv12 13

Yeah he meant that. His iPhone just autocorrected his entire sentence.


I would only see a problem if you were high. But since you're not...enjoy your pee!

I think he just wanted to see you pee if he had you do it in front of him. What a perv ?(¬_ ¬")

It clearly said "in front of a stranger" so I highly doubt it was I front of his boss :-/

I don't get why he had to pee in front of the "stranger" I have had a couple drug tests and they give you the cup and you pee in the bathroom.

Well now I'm just pissed I thought it was normal for them to watch you pee the dude that comes to the shop to do the drug testing always watches me like a Hawk.

My girlfriend works at a power plant and they do random drug testing there. She has to pee in a cup with someone standing right there listening to her at the bathroom stall. It's embarrassing for her. :P

i guess thats the old way now because when i went to do mine, you go alone but your not allowed to flush the toilet or you have to start over again. and all of your belongings stay outside with the instructor.

when i mine did they did the follicle testing, I've never had to pee in a cup

When I was being trained as a medical assistant a couple months ago, we learned that the person peeing and you have to be in the same room. You don't necessarily have to stare at them, but definitely the same room. And yes, you can't have belongings or flush the toilet or wash your hands until the person has the specimen.

Eye drops are not always the solution. Some people have really bad allergies.

There are doctors for allergies.. I go see one each spring... Trust me! The medecine helps alot!

Babushka_Homyak 10

Not everyone is able to go see a doctor whenever they please.

i feel bad for you, but knowing how stoners *can* be, he has a decent reason....

You mean to say you were in the washroom... by yourself... right??

alstbv12 13

Yeah he meant that. His iPhone just autocorrected his entire sentence.

Mother fucken goddamn auto correct reworded the whole fml!! I honestly wonder when somw people will start to comprehend what they read...

jDCrackpot 7

Better to pee in a cup in front of a stranger than get fired for refusing to take a drug test. Sure it's uncomfortable but if you haven't taken anything you've got nothing to hide.

He could easily sue his employer for making do that. Totally goes against his rights without ample evidence..

shadexilmaendu 4

Yupp, totally illegal. Law enforcement can watch you piss for a drug test in extreme cases. Employers do not have the right to make their employees strip in any way, shape or form. You could sue them if you really felt like it.

Better to have a job that doesn't drug test. I've turned down job offers because of that. And I only smoke once or twice a month. It's the principle of it. Evaluate me on performance not biochemistry.

The employer didn't force the employee to disrobe, as the employee always maintained the right to refuse the drug test, although it would likely cost him his job. Furthermore, whether or not an employer can legally have a third party monitoring the specimen collection varies by job type as well as jurisdiction, and we know neither of these things here. But hey, OP, if you feel like you had your rights violated, go see a lawyer, who would actually know the law where you live.

shadexilmaendu 4

I've had to do that plenty of times. I feel your pain op

What a badass mofo!!! You are 15 years old. Not something you wanna be bragging about mate!

yes but I have sympathy for OP because while I've never had to take a test people always think I'm high because I don't sleep well so eyes are bloodshot. it gets annoying

xStaciexLynnx 15

27- A lot of high schools do random drug testing now. I got 4 drug tests in one year because I was in extra curricular activities. They even make people do them at prom. Sooo I don't think he's trying to be a 'badass mofo'. He was just telling The truth.

firefighterjohn 9

if you haven't done anything you shouldnt have anything to worry about...

I hate that mentality. It's not because he doesn't have to worry that he should take this for granted.

Yeah that's what I tell my boss I got allergies 365 days a year. I really really do

Well if I keep treating my body like an amusement park it's sure going to be rough in a couple years

365 days a year? Really? I was wondering if maybe it was 420 days a year.. :P