By Anonymous - 11/02/2015 21:07 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my teacher announced that he'd be out for a week because he was going to Vegas. I happily said, "Woo hoo!" Then he finished his sentence by telling me it was because his dad had died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 050
You deserved it 9 887

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What are the odds of him having to go to Vegas because of his dad's death?

Don't know if that was a gambling reference or not


What are the odds of him having to go to Vegas because of his dad's death?

Don't know if that was a gambling reference or not

He has to gamble for his dad's mortal soul, #30.

Ianamis 6

He could be from Vegas ya know people live there right?

incoherentrmblr 21

Gambling, strippers/prostitutes, Viagra, and dead relatives... Is say the odds are pretty good...

Charles900 16

#4 pretty sure everyone cheered when they found out their teacher was going to he absent in high school.

brssps1 19

I was thinking a zombie could do quite well in Vegas. Potential victims aren't going anywhere until the roulette stops, and he could have a deal with the house to only eat winners.

Well you're not psychic are you? You couldn't have known that! Don't feel too bad op

If OP had allowed the teacher to finish their sentence he would have known. OP deserves it for being rude and interrupting like that.

You're still a jerk. I want to slap people who purposefully make happy cheers when their teacher announced they are leaving. Believe it or not, teachers have feelings too

usmcmischief 9

I guess I took the OP's "woohoo" as they were happy because the teacher gets to go to Vegas and most likely would be gambling. I took it as the OP was happy for the teacher to have a break.

What dd the comment say as its now been moderated?

lexiieeex3 32

Not gonna lie I probably would have done the same thing. Sorry OP you couldn't have known :(

#13 don't think "Awkward" was the right word for this situation.

Why not? I'm sure OP found it awkward, even if it wasn't their fault.

Steve95401 49

I'll bet you had no way of knowing that.