By meghancuma - 22/09/2015 17:25 - United States - Springfield

Today, I got fired from my nannying job because one of the mom's several boyfriends mentioned that he found me attractive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 810
You deserved it 1 575

meghancuma tells us more.

OP here, her kids were the best. That's the worst part of losing the job.

Top comments

Sounds like she's the one who needs a nanny.

If he's sleeping with her while she's got other boyfriends too, he probably has no problem sleeping with you either. She probably just didn't want to share op.


MisterKnowItAll 15

someone's got some jealousy issues

That's a really bad op. I'm sorry, good luck in finding a new job... What has our world come to?

Sounds like she's the one who needs a nanny.

Well she does now that she just fired one...

well she does have multiple boyfriends..

krazayman 18

that mom must have been through that drama before. fyl OP hopefully someone else will hire you

Because "that drama" is that he drama she causes rather than it being understandable.

Same thing happened to me, just with my grandpa's girlfriends... Yeah, I have a pimp grandpa.

Well at least he didn't find you ugly I'm sure you will find another job somewhere

OP here, her kids were the best. That's the worst part of losing the job.

Because how dare you be attractive op :). you'll get a better job. never let your beauty keep you down.XD

lexiieeex3 32

It's losing and saying goodbye to the kids that's usually the worst part. I'm sorry OP, hopefully you'll love your next family's kids just as much as these kids.

have sex with her boyfriend just because for revenge... I mean if you're "that" type of girl ;)