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By Anonymous - 26/09/2010 04:10 - France

Today, I was bored so I got my little brother's toy spaceship and a teddy bear, went to my room and started flying them around, having dog fights, making explosion noises and humming epic orchestral music. My mom opened my bedroom door, showing our new hot female neighbour around the house. I'm 19. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 078
You deserved it 38 367

Same thing different taste

Top comments

7 - lots of 19 year olds still live at home. especially with today's economy, it's much cheaper to live at home while in college. now, if he's 19, living at home, and being a lazy bum then there's an issue. op - ydi for not finding something better to do. I find it very hard to believe that there was NOTHING else you could have been doing.


rciccone 0

we all knw we want to do the same just aren't stupid enough to do it

At least she didn't find you jerking off or taking a stinky dump..

actually if he were getting it off and the girl saw it...

that is, if he had a giant log. "mind if i help you finish?"

YDI- not for playing with toys but for taking your little brothers toys without asking

ShorTiE4LyFe 0

Ooooh FML my friend. I've done that before... Only my bf came in my room and started playing along with me...xD And it was barbies.

nothing wrong with having a little fun , common , I'd to that if I was bored too .

amnesiasparkles 0
Person000 0

a lot of guys do that it's just we switch from toys to video games.

snowboarder1417 2

Yeah YDI, but who invites brand new neighbors into their house for a tour, including the bedrooms?

alex1646 0

I think you are awesome, and if I saw a girl do this i would ask her out on the spot. Then again That's coming from a MLIAer.

JetLiFanFTW 0

this is like the most unbeliveable fml why would ur mom give a neighbor a tour of ur home

this is like the most unbeliveable fml why would ur mom give a neighbor a tour of ur home

BadasS14 0

playing with toys at the age of 19 is a major cockblock

I don't think you know what a cockblock really is. Playing with toys at age 19 is more of a deal breaker than a **** block. If you were hitting on the girl and your buddy came over and told her you like to have dogfights with toy airplanes in your bedroom all day, that would be a cockblock

tannarox 0

113- i love you! the first thought I had when I saw this was MLIA!

ILoveJace01 0

I agree. These kinds of FML's are the ones the OP's deserve. If you wanna do that, whatever. But lock the door, turn up the music.

ILoveJace01 0

Lol I was thinking that, too! But maybe they were just trying to be nice...idk.

lol am i the only person that would join in or watch in amazement and joy. it's good to grow up, just never let the kid in you go away. also, if I saw a girl doing that, it would be an instant plus for knowing shes can just be herself.

Remembering the days wen you could do that is fun...besides spaceships are badass

alexbeathalo2 4
DuckOnAStick 0

What does him having a twin have to do with him wearing diapers?

Ali_Br_fml 33

and your twin died recently & no1 wants to talk about it b/c it's so sad, & she saw him on the last day of his life.

Sexywifey91 0
honeylove36 0

hahahahh amazing first impression

nevergo 10

Houston we need damage control

Someone isn't getting a girlfriend. DAMN ANTIFLOOD!!!!!

what?! that is my dream guy right there :) we could look back on it and laugh... ahh it's perfect!!

Surfer7456 7

well 19 and still living with mommy-you prob didn't have a chance anyway lol

Could be in college and back for the summer

iGrenade 0

what's wrong with that? you can save a lot of money if you live close to your college and commute. l2save$

theian01 3

It's only 19. it's not 23. I'm 19 and I'm still at my parents house. I can't afford my own place because of school. I also have a girlfriend. So my life makes your comment inaccurate.

7 - lots of 19 year olds still live at home. especially with today's economy, it's much cheaper to live at home while in college. now, if he's 19, living at home, and being a lazy bum then there's an issue. op - ydi for not finding something better to do. I find it very hard to believe that there was NOTHING else you could have been doing.

lol at least he wasn't jerking it when they came in, that. would really have been an fml.

If I walked in on a dude jerking off it wouldn't matter the size. He'd have no chance with me.

Igor_g5 0

nope. I would say "seriously? If you're gonna do that at least lock the door."

I can feel the shame all the way over here!