All the FMLs

SailorSolaris tells us more.

SailorSolaris 43

Op here. Still don't know how it happened. Third time, too, though the other times were in my back. Anyone have a clue?

EarthsMightiestHeroes tells us more.

EarthsMightiestHeroes 20

Hi guys! OP here, I had an account before but got locked out of it, and now I just created a new one. Basically, it was him and half the class versus the other half, and since his half was full of loud athletic kids, he "won" the argument (meaning my Comp teacher was sick of our shit). He busted out the globe to show us flight paths, which was his main (and the more I think about it... his only) argument for Flat Earth. The debate has died down, thank God, but I fear the day someone manages to set him off again and he starts screaming about "the government lying to us about the shape of the planet!!".