All the FMLs

EarthsMightiestHeroes tells us more.

EarthsMightiestHeroes 20

Hi guys! OP here, I had an account before but got locked out of it, and now I just created a new one. Basically, it was him and half the class versus the other half, and since his half was full of loud athletic kids, he "won" the argument (meaning my Comp teacher was sick of our shit). He busted out the globe to show us flight paths, which was his main (and the more I think about it... his only) argument for Flat Earth. The debate has died down, thank God, but I fear the day someone manages to set him off again and he starts screaming about "the government lying to us about the shape of the planet!!".

Lucius0121 tells us more.

Lucius0121 4

Hi, OP here, with an update. She took the job obviously, she will be gone by the end of octobre. I won't be following, our relationship is much, much too young for that kind of move, even though I do love her... The silver lining is that we decided to enjoy it until then, I try not to think about "then" too much...

itsawash tells us more.

Hey, guys. OP here. The situation is actually a bit more complicated than I made it out to be initially, but the FML is pretty much the gist. I can't go into too many details but here's what basically happened. I had actually asked for resume advice by someone who already worked at the company I was applying to. Let's call this person Mat. This person gave actual solid advice right up until he told me to make up work experience. I didn't do that, obviously, but I listed all prior relevant work experience, which included a company that had since gone out of business. Everything was fine until about a couple of weeks later when I was fired over the weekend. I later found out that Mat had also been fired. It was implied that I wasn't the only employee implicated in his shenanigans. I tried going to HR to clear my name, but everyone just wanted the whole debacle over and done with. I'm also pretty sure my life would've been very difficult had I decided to pursue legal action. I just happened to get caught up in company politics, that's all. Not much I can do about it now.

GumStickExtraGmail tells us more.

GumStickExtraGmail 22

Hey, OP here. No, he wasn't joking with me. I had just gotten a divorce, and he thought it was because im gay. I'm also female, so my father thought females are more likely to be gay??? idk.

patate_fml tells us more.

For everyone wondering, I work in a tiny ass town in France where we don't have much delivery to make compare to others and I had the smallest car of the fleet that day I had 3 rounds of 25-30 medium packages to deliver all of them with a mandatory signature. Nobody was home even though I was in time for each and everyone of them. Only this first round was Horrible the rest of the day (and the week) went more smoothly

Chelsea Schattner tells us more.

My first published fml! Hey everyone a little back story. The copper pipes where in the crawl space under the house. Easily accessible to everyone. The house sat empty for 9 years and was built in the 1940's with very little updates. I am remodeling it and thankfully there is home owners insurance on it. I am still out a chunk of money but not as much. The water was only on for a few minutes. The city turned it on and I opened the sink valve to no water. I could hear it but had no water. I crawled under the house and found the main cut off flush to the ground and all the copper gone. We turned off the water and called the cops and insurance. Damage total: $3,500.00