All the FMLs

tricia_11 tells us more.

That man hasn't worked a day in almost 5 years. He took an early retirement and sits home all day. I work my ass off. I have a 3 hour daily commute on top of my work day. After sitting on his ass all day, he needs to cook me my favorite meal, give me the best sex ever and worship me for taking care of him! Yet, I'm thinking of myself? Get real.

NewUsername tells us more.

Hi guys, OP here! Now that I have more space I'll explain a bit more. I was with my friend and she had left a bit earlier to get snacks and the man moved for her. When I left about 10 minutes later (I asked the woman next to me to please save our seats) the movie theater was really crowded. My friend and I were about 6 seats from the edge, so not too many people had to shift out of our way thankfully. Of course, as in the FML, I tripped and accidently fell on top of him, and he made his comment. Anyway, I brushed it off, taking it as a joke, and went about my day. After I used the restroom, I met my friend as she was heading back into the theater and I told her what happened. She called him a creep but didn't think anything of it either. Since she was holding the giant popcorn I let her go in front of me and the man on the end moved for her. When I went to go by, he moved back to where he was, blocking my way once again. As I stood in the walkway, I nicely asked him to move but he only laughed. "Nah, climb over me again. It was fun last time." That's when he pissed me off and I pushed his legs out of the way to force my way by. He just laughed and watched me as I walked back to my seat. Certainly not the worst thing to ever happen, but still quite an uncomfortable situation to be in!

AnnoyedAggie16 tells us more.

This is the OP. I didn't have an account when I posted this so I'm not sure how to make my comment show I'm the OP, but oh well. Basically we adopted a dog after thanksgiving and the shelter insisted they neuter him themselves before he could go home with us. Being one of the highest intake shelters in the state, I'm sure his surgery was a little rushed, and the results were not ideal. Speaking as a former vet tech, his incision placement was very odd and has caused a lot of problems for him. We've actually had to see the vet four times in the past week over it. Unfortunately this makes it even more important for us to prevent him from licking, which obviously has proven problematic to say the least. We've finally managed to keep an e-collar on him for more than a day... but it's probably only a matter of time. We love our new troublemaker tons regardless though.

KillerChipmunk tells us more.

OP here! This actually happened a little over a month ago. I'm in student housing, so they got our RA to come and mediate a meeting. Things have gotten much better since then, but it still irks me that a 21, 23, and 24 year old picked up a 6 year old's tactics and thought it was a good idea to just ignore me for about three weeks. Ultimately, I'm not doing much different, just making a bigger show of it when I do clean. I never was gross about anything (imo), I just don't believe in the whole anti-bacterial thing, like wiping down the tv remote and couch weekly, or using Lysol on my bed every morning. To everyone telling me to find new roommates, my lease is up in May, and I'm already looking for new people to live with, but at least things have gotten better since all this happened.

KingKralj tells us more.

Holy sweet shit, this got posted! Hello guys, OP here! I was angry when making this FML that I left out some pretty important details :P So here we go. My bro and I were having an argument about something stupid, and it escalated pretty bad. I hate full on yell-fests, so I left the scene and decided to fly my drone to relax. My brother, on the other hand, somehow got drunk and thought it would be a good idea to shoot my drone with his BB gun for revenge (no, he didn't get it on my b-day nor are we twins. He had it for a while). Long story short, he loaded the gun and shot my drone several times over. I yelled at him for like 10 seconds (I know I mentioned I hate yelling, but I was angry :l) and left the house. Later, he called me and apologized for destroying my drone and offered to either repair it or buy a new one out of his pocket. I said "eh, just buy it." because the drone was too damaged to be repaired. So the aftermath was we made up, he bought me a new drone, and we lived happily ever after c: