All the FMLs

toilet_trouble tells us more.

Hi. Some of your comments really made me laugh! So, it surprised me I heard him because I've never heard anything other than a vacuum or water in the pipes. This just made me aware he can probably hear a lot more than I previously thought.. Luckily I don't have loud bathroom trips often. I definitely regretted the super loud fart I ripped about 5 minutes prior to hearing him though. :p Anyway, neighbor acts cool so all is well!

kittykat798 tells us more.

It definitely wasn't their breaks! It was weird because they didn't even ask for my friends numbers or anything, just chatted with them. There was enough room at the table for them to have done that with me there, so it wasn't that. It was almost like I was too intimidating or something! I found it quite funny in a tragic kind of way and that's probably because of the terrible relationship I've just come out of. I really didn't expect so many nice comments, you guys are the best!