By Stella Grubner - 16/03/2010 06:42

Today, I chose a cute tank top and some shorts to wear. Later, I was shopping at Target with my dad when he pointed to a girl in the same isle and said to me, "Don't ever dress like that. It looks cute on her, but you couldn't pull it off." She was wearing shorts and a tank top. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 164
You deserved it 4 656

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why was there an isle in a Target? With palm trees and sand and coconut bras?

your dad thinks your fat. or hes just over protective of his little girl


marleytooyou 0
TapeMan_3000 0

fyl but you get 5000 bonus points for being at target and not wal mart. :)

TrekkieGirl 0

Wow...that was pretty harsh. I'm all for parents be truthful with their kids, but be a little tactful about it! @#54 Tapeman....agreed. I loathe Wal-Mart, so she indeed gets kudos for shopping at Target.

responses 0

thats wat u get for wearing short shorts when ur fat

does anybody else think dad sounds a little gay?? " you could never pull that off" Idk about you guys but my dad would never say that. or even know what that meant.

maybe he is gay nothin wrong with that but op better get used to the style comments. "Skankkkk alerrrrt in the towl seccctionnn. honey you just can not pull off that spandex zebra!! listen to daddy get yourself some nice jewl tones!!

hellooo222 0

wheres target??? does it have nice clothes??i live in canada nd theres no place called target here

ever heard of reverse sarcasm? I use it all the time, ex. my friend got a 88 on his test and I had gotten an 84, so I said "hah, only doshes get lower than an A." understand now?

69-70 can't be gay if he has a kid, bisexual... maybe, gay no

hotscar 3

#39, he could have not wanted his daughter to look like a *****. maybe he's just strict about that kind of thing

redshortsx 0

he prob just doesn't want his little girl showing any my dad used to want me to dress on like ski clothes year round but that didn't mean he didn't enjoy the Victoria's secret commercials

Fatalally 4

What is he doing checkin out young girls anyways? O.o

bubbarific 0

ydi for bein born unattractive

Peacemaker9 7

that just meant that not only was ur dad checking the girl out he was also checking u out at the same time...... and to confirm my statement would be what he said to u! lolol funny but awkward......

Peacemaker9 7

at # 53: wow couldn't see y ur dad would do that...... I mean look how cute u are!!!!!

112: that's really sad! D: who gives a **** what other people think, if I were gay I wouldn't bluff.

Peacemaker9 7
hockey_kid_29 0

i completely agree with 107... from wat i c ur hot

Is your dad ******* blind? He must of been joking because you're standing right by him...

Why was there an isle in a Target? With palm trees and sand and coconut bras?

They are beautiful this time of year..

I'm going to the sandals resort there. travelocity had a great deal on it.

Be careful. I hear it's earthquake season there right now.

your dad thinks your fat. or hes just over protective of his little girl

ElMetalero 0
dudeitsdanny 9

He probably saw it, and didn't want you wearing them. Chances are those aren't your first shorts or tanktop, but he saw the opportunity. Too big a coincidence. But I won't call fake.

real or not it is gay... I mean, a music note on a white boy... really?!

nomnommonster 0

Race of the tattoo owner determines gayness? Man, your gaydar is off.

dudeitsdanny 9

Jdub- The penis in your ass is gay. And its not a music note. Two 16th notes. Four if you count the one on the other side. Excuse my love and actual understanding of music. Maybe if you put away the guitar hero and learn some real instruments you'll be man enough to not question my sexuality based on a set of tattoos.i

dudeitsdanny 9

I thought I was a bunch of non-white ethnicities, but I guess I am O.O I better inform my mexican/italian/portuguese/spanish parents.

threer 30

Stop using gay as an insult! It's just sexuality, get the **** over it.

KurouTenshi 0

Your dad is an asshole. That said: If he doesn't think you can pull of shorts and a tank top, you should find out what he thinks of you in a skimpy string bikini. Maybe then he'll appreciate the more covered look of shorts and a tank top.

I don't think he's being an asshole at all. My dad once asked me: "Are you sure boys like it when you wear your hair like that?" It was a subtle way of telling me my hair looked dumb and he was totally right. It's impolite for non-family guys to say things like that. I say, take the good advice and be thankful your dad cares about you enough to be honest.

KurouTenshi 0

Unless the "good advice" is "if you want to feel pretty, get on your knees and suck daddy's ****." Then you might want to just go your own course. ;)

GeorgeBoosh 0

Well, he is already talking about pulling off her top...

haven't seen my good friends perdix or snickerdoodles in a while... is ktbird snix new account?

don't shop with your dad. it's that easy

Listen to your dad. Let's be honest here, odds are he's right and loves you enough to not lie to you for your own good.

Also words of advice from my sister: "Just because it comes in your size doesn't mean you should wear it."