#1 Mom

By Eden - 14/07/2011 20:21 - United States

Today, my tonsils swelled to roughly the size of golf balls. My mom refuses to take me to the hospital because she's convinced I got it from kissing someone, and until I "fess up", she's not budging. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 958
You deserved it 3 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just lie so you can get the medical attention! Groundation is a lot nicer than possible death from not being able to breathe!


Tell her it was from giving head instead.

deadbabyjesus 2

sorry but your mom is stupid. when you die, yes when, she will realize this. if you get appendicsidious you better hope she docent blame it on sex lol.

WolfGirlKana 2

Were you trying to spell 'appendicitis'? Because if you were, you did a terrible job of it.

There are all sorts of things that can cause your tonsils to swell up that have nothing to do with kissing anyone. Severe swelling in the throat can be life threatening, regardless of the cause. If you are underage, and you have a serious condition, and your parents won't get you medical treatment, see if you can enlist the help of another family member. If not, call child protective services. If you have a high fever, severe pain, trouble breathing, or if there are pale spots on the back of your throat, it could be something like strep throat, which can be treated with antibiotics, but can become dangerous if untreated.

jessie123246 2

That happens to me sometimes also. Very annoying

Psycho_Babydoll 26

What the **** is wrong with your mom?! I had glandular fever once and yes, it was from my ex, but even with all the different kinds of pills and medicines I had to take every day the pain was excruciating. FYL, and get help from someone other than your stupid mom.

fredman0000 6

My mom did the same thing but I was four

fredman0000 6

Say that you did and give a random name?