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By Anonymous - 06/08/2021 20:01 - United States

Today, I discovered two senior doctors made misdiagnoses by ignoring protocols. When I confronted them, they denied it. My director told me not to turn them in, and I'm not financially stable enough to quit. The state licensing board only takes complaints from patients. I'm so sorry, I don't know what to do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 130
You deserved it 91

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

Can you find a way to let the patients know, anonymously? They could then report it. You can also bring attention to it by anonymously posting it on Reddit, Twitter, etc. You could also complain to the board *anyway* even though they technically only “allow” complaints to patients. If you report gross negligence or something, what are they gonna do, ignore it because you’re not a patient? Unfortunately, though, you wouldn’t exactly be “anonymous” to them - they’d know it was you since you confronted them about it already. However, this seems the best course of action to both do the right thing and keep your job.

Go to your state board. If they don't listen, go to the media.


Marcella1016 31

Can you find a way to let the patients know, anonymously? They could then report it. You can also bring attention to it by anonymously posting it on Reddit, Twitter, etc. You could also complain to the board *anyway* even though they technically only “allow” complaints to patients. If you report gross negligence or something, what are they gonna do, ignore it because you’re not a patient? Unfortunately, though, you wouldn’t exactly be “anonymous” to them - they’d know it was you since you confronted them about it already. However, this seems the best course of action to both do the right thing and keep your job.

Listen to the Dr. Death podcast (season 1) and send an anonymous tip to the media.

Nikki 17

How bad were the outcomes from this? Are the patients still alive to make the complaint themselves?

most likely the patient was not informed, and purposely kept in the dark to avoid a lawsuit.

Go to your state board. If they don't listen, go to the media.

TruthSoothsayer 3

write an anonymous letter sent from a public mailbox to the victims. or; let it go. from a pragmatic perspective that's all you can do.

westoz 24

My god, I a Dr with a moral conscience! You can only do what you can do. As long as you never lose those morals and your conscience you’ll be making your corner of your world a better place. Dr’s like you are so very rare.