#1 Mom

By Eden - 14/07/2011 20:21 - United States

Today, my tonsils swelled to roughly the size of golf balls. My mom refuses to take me to the hospital because she's convinced I got it from kissing someone, and until I "fess up", she's not budging. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 958
You deserved it 3 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just lie so you can get the medical attention! Groundation is a lot nicer than possible death from not being able to breathe!


can you say neglect? call 911 and tell them your paranoid crazy mom won't take you to the hospital and why. shell probably get into trouble, or better get help and some meds for her paranoia. can't imagine breathings too easy either.

babyblue666 1

she can get arrested for that. (when or if she ever takes u to the dr). hopefully u dont get worse

blackbelt25 12

imagen what giving birth would be like....

Kay, what does this have to do with having swollen TONSILS? One system is all the way up north, while the other is down south.

206, he/she meant that imagine giving birth, its more pain. not what you think

Mean_Mr_Mustard 9

Why does she care so much that you may have kissed someone? and btw she is speaking about mono and mono doesn't make your tonsils swell, and it is actually an air born illness. Tonsilitous makes them swell and so does regular colds and flus. I have experienced both before the fourth grade. You should call cps for being a horrible parent.

ReynshineCutting 10

Not true. Mono can cause it as well. Just ask my fiancé.

RockstarRN 10

Fess up and have doc prove her wrong after you are seen.

fredman0000 6

Screw the doctor go to an ENT and schedule sugary

jose18 3

My mom is the same way, it gets old :/