#1 Mom

By Eden - 14/07/2011 20:21 - United States

Today, my tonsils swelled to roughly the size of golf balls. My mom refuses to take me to the hospital because she's convinced I got it from kissing someone, and until I "fess up", she's not budging. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 959
You deserved it 3 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just lie so you can get the medical attention! Groundation is a lot nicer than possible death from not being able to breathe!


Get a friend or your neighbor to take you to the hospital?

iluvdavid 3

tell her that u ble aome guys brains out cnot only will she take you to the hospital, she will but you condoms and ice cream... my mom did..

Lexiloulynn 2

Please rephrase that comment, all I got from is was something about condoms, ice cream, and your mom. Sounds dirty and illegal.

tyoyomi 1

I had that a couple months ago. you really need 2 get 2 the hospital cause u could also have strep. u will also need surgery cuz they need 2 slice them and remove the puss. if u have trouble swallowing then u really need 2 go immediately!!!

AcidRaen 4
Cheer4evaaa 0

Just say you did it so she'll take you!