5-star meal

By storyofmylife - 15/03/2009 02:27 - United States

Today, while I was babysitting, the toddler was feeding me banana slices from her tray while I was cutting up clay for her to mold. It was all fine until she shoved something hard and crunchy into my mouth. I immediately spat it out into my hand. It was a dead cricket she found on the floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 647
You deserved it 10 789

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is absolutely disgusting. Eugh, I feel for you.

and i wouldve gotten arrested cuz that baby wouldve been slapped


mpwga 0

lol #8. i would cry my eyes out if that happened to me.

ughfthis 0
epic_failure_lol 0

Um.Little toddler. Huh. YOU LET A TODDLER FEED YOU. Of course you were gonna have a cricket or something put in your mouth.

LindseyKiwi 0