A little less conversation…

By IPityTheStool - 09/06/2011 13:22 - United Kingdom

Today, I used the staff toilets at school. As I sat down, I heard a sudden plop, followed by the stench of diarrhoea from the next cubicle. It was followed by, "I do apologise!" It was my English teacher. Then we continued to chat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 504
You deserved it 7 623

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chester75 5

lol I can't believe OP didn't find it awkward

puppy23 3

Real English uses s, American English uses z. We say apologise, you say apologize. Get an education.


CaptinObvious467_fml 2

Ydi for not holding it. Ydi for not eating less fiber. This all could have been avoided

Ydi for thinking that your comment is funny

CaptinObvious467_fml 2

Ydi for thinking I give a shit

perdix 29

Why are you using the staff toilets if you are a student? As much as seeing "diarrhea" spelled the American way reliably makes me giggle, seeing it spelt (see what I did there?) the British way makes me laugh so hard I fart!

Manishipa 0
chester75 5

sorry 64 I have to disagree with you on that, 17 is one of the funniest guys on FML, and just because you fail at life doesn't mean you have to bring others down.

read 64's bio..doesn't look like long before another ban

yeah 17 is pretty cool, don't hate him when youre just sour cause you havent got any grapes since the mods deleted yours 64 :)

schaflava 0

Chester, you should start eating ass instead of just kissing it.

chester75 5

you should have treated it like a challenge and made a bigger splash

hawty12345 0

I love the name you used, "IPityTheStool". :"D

liy223 6

"I do apologize" it could have ended there and I would have been cracking up. glorious...

I hate when people try to make conversation with you while you're on the toilet

eminemchick 19

its just human nature to have diarrhea and apologize afterwards.XD

Yeah this happened to me one time and shook their hands after too...