
By Anonymous - 20/06/2010 07:21 - United States

Today, I was at work as a musician, sitting on a piano bench. Suddenly, I found myself at eye-level with the piano, dumped on the floor by the broken bench, with my legs splayed out. I felt like I picked the wrong day to wear a skirt to work - but the audience members all disagreed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 959
You deserved it 4 387

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well done, OP, well done. This is why tights were invented, despite the fact that they're horrible to wear, they do at least cover you up in unfortunate incidents like this. But still, sucks all the same, I guess.

Well guess what? I'm not first! We non-firsts outnumber you firsts by so much, you should go and cower in a corner.


princesszeebunny 0

Well guess what? I'm not first! We non-firsts outnumber you firsts by so much, you should go and cower in a corner.

yes omg I wish I could have been there that's when happens ladies when u leave the kitchen u become. a hore

I like girls and food and shoes and clothes and girls and homes and games and phones and iPods **** u and I like chicken and burger king and subway and girls

samanthadude 0

People are probably going to crack jokes on you, but hey, you'll get over it and laugh in a couple years. 

I don't believe that!!! pics or it's false

Kiill3rQu33n16 0

errr....you spelled ***** wrong. :P

if they only saw your underwear, it's no big deal. if you weren't wearing underwear, ydi. if you were on your period, fml. if you were on your period and not wearing underwear, you sure as hell deserve it.

oh, there will definitely be crack jokes. ;] |the kid|

pingpongpickle 8
kevtheloser 0

it's true. I was there when it happened. In fact, my face was right beneath the bench.

raymel 5

splayed ? you got your nuts cut off in front of everyone ? while playing the piano ? damn the had to hurt.

that's SPAYED not SPLAYED. SPLAYED is when your limbs are forced apart. SPAYED is when you sterilize an animal.

yea 27 and 33 the girl just out of luck was holding a camera in her to fall on her ass and take pictres for mean ppl-wtf? i believe its real it can happen

Yeeeah, there's TOTALLY a difference between "splayed" and "spayed." Check dictionary.com - I promise I'm not messing with you. I'm the OP and I'm a chick; there'd never be a need for me to get spayed.

was the piano facing the audience?? really? what kind of show was it. Liszt changed the he's on position to the conventional sideways position about a hundred years ago!

pinkkCuteee 0
awesomechick618 0

some thing like this happened 2 me, my friend wuz high n joking around too much n decided to move my chair when I wuz about 2 sit down, but atleast my underwear wuz pretty they had lace :D

maddiesonnn 0

Well its your fault you need to put these things in line

Rememberme1105 0

'first' is not a comment and has nothing to do with the fml. it's not that impressive either

ThatCrazyMike 0

arent u doin the same thing?

ilovecodyscott 0

she is she is.. and so are you! wow that sucks op, sorry... fyl

Well done, OP, well done. This is why tights were invented, despite the fact that they're horrible to wear, they do at least cover you up in unfortunate incidents like this. But still, sucks all the same, I guess.

samanthadude 0

Maybe tights wouldn't go well with her outfit, breaking the bench would still be a FML though; even if she did wear tights.

Maybe they didn't, but you'd be hard pushed not to get an outfit that'd work with tan coloured tights, and even they do something for covering that area. And black tights, they go with almost everything too. And I did say it still sucks whether or not she'd worn them...

samanthadude 0

Never said you didn't, I'm just stating my opinion. I guess I'm just not a tights person when it comes to skirts, I agree with you though. It would have saved her less embarrassment if she wore tights.

samanthadude 0

It would have been less embarrassing if she wore tights.* Geez, I guess it's to early for me to be up.

Fair enough, I must've misunderstood the tone of your post. This is what revision does to my mind... And don't worry about the spelling, not everyone's a grammar nazi. :)

lineskis58 0

its how some people spell tony? but its pronounced tonay. its french(er)

yagurlteeteexoxo 0

haha ;) the whole situation is rather funny. embarrassing but hey, you must look good down there for people to cheer!

yagurlteeteexoxo 0

hope everything was proper down there

Ayeeeeee well the piano must not've wanted you playing it I know the fonz don't play no piano.

Hopefully you weren't wearing a thong, like the FML the other day, OP.