A little less conversation…

By IPityTheStool - 09/06/2011 13:22 - United Kingdom

Today, I used the staff toilets at school. As I sat down, I heard a sudden plop, followed by the stench of diarrhoea from the next cubicle. It was followed by, "I do apologise!" It was my English teacher. Then we continued to chat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 504
You deserved it 7 623

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chester75 5

lol I can't believe OP didn't find it awkward

puppy23 3

Real English uses s, American English uses z. We say apologise, you say apologize. Get an education.


pokopiko 9

1. your username is amazing. 2. when you said the teacher said, "I do apologize!" it reminded me if wallless and gromet, with the outrageous British accents. :3

daniel7669 0

you should've ****** your teacher right then and there

BellaMarta 19

ydi for not using the regular bathroom

epmorr2010 9

I work in the pharamaceutical industry (in the US) and we spell it diarrhoea, different from how I am used to seeing it spelled growing up. It is the technical medical spelling. I, like most people, would have to look it up if I wanted to know how to spell it (either way)!