About last night…

By Couch Potato - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Elk Grove

Today, my girlfriend got mad at me because I slept on the couch last night. She also seems to have forgotten that we had an argument last night, after which she stormed into our bedroom and locked me out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 625
You deserved it 3 281

Top comments

That's a pretty ****** defense mechanism.

AlittleSanity 11

Has anyone else ever wondered how a woman would respond to being locked out of the bedroom because a guy got mad at her for something? I'm imagining the barrage of insults he would get.


icepick23 12

Did she expect you to sleep on the floor or something?

Strikes me that she's messing with you and will use anything as an excuse for a fight.

escobar07 10

Whos paying the bills? If you are then she should be in the dog house

Typical couple troubles. Will they ever cease??? lol

I'm sorry OP... She's cheating on you and covering up with random acts of anger as a defense mechanism.