Ace Of Spades

By MetalisLife - This FML is from back in 2017 but it's good stuff

Today, I thought I died in the shower. I was very intensely playing air guitar while simultaneously headbanging. I punched myself in the dick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 718
You deserved it 6 591

Top comments

Must have been one hell of a high note you hit.

lexiieeex3 32


TheEpicKitten 20

Might want to switch the gender on your account

lexiieeex3 32

Must have been one hell of a high note you hit.

KneeGrowMancer 0

just right in bejewels. well damn

Was the song called "Ballcrusher" by any chance?

jcash52426 5

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<p>With any luck you hit hard enough that you never have children, otherwise it's an FML for all of us.&nbsp;</p>

sohigh10 34

Wow. Kids in Africa could have eaten the salt you wasted on this comment.

Probably that Metalocalypse thing "Crush my Battle Opponent's Balls".