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By hot sweet.... not - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Renfrew

Today, I was babysitting an 8-year-old boy. He was playing with Play-Doh and made a sculpture that looked like a penis. I tried to cover up and asked if it was an action figure. He looked at me like I was an idiot and said, "It's a DICK." FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 693
You deserved it 6 209

Top comments

The kid is going places.. Not college but places.


JMichael 25

14 - Am I missing the joke/pun here, or are you just restating the FML?

It's a reference to Family Guy... Swedish bakers making a cake out of dough in the episode it sounds like "Pater, you made a **** out of dooo"

Other than that, anyone read #1s comment and immediately think of a "that's what she said" situation?

I know right? After reading this I don't want anyone to **** to me. I'm chode-ally embarrassed for this generation.

I know... I was running on less than an hour of sleep.

#2 decided to edit his comment after i made mine. His original comment was "talk about getting off on the wrong foot".

jazzy_123 20

56, haha #2 wrote that on 2 other fml posts x)

Steve95401 49

How would an 8-year-old know what a boner looks like. Then again, he did know what a dick was...

beaverteaser 16

did you **** block his play doh

Where do you think play-doh comes from?! Looks like you haven't learnt about the birds and the bees, #10

The kid is going places.. Not college but places.

Somebody stole your comment and put it on the FML about the girls brother playing the chant game

That comment has be used many more places than just fml. They didn't just make it up on the spot. That's like saying someone stole the "That's what she said" comment, it's just called being unoriginal.

His parents need to get his priorities straight >.>

Should've replied with "Is that the name of a Superhero?"

shaww 28

I'm afraid he would whip out his penis if OP said that

kids and dicks are two things you do not want to see together, awkward

that's because you're not here on my Friday nights. oh!

olpally 32

Ahhh, the irony is hilarious. You knew it, downplayed it, and he still said what it was and then insulted you. Lol. That sucks op