All together now

By aloneagainnaturally - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Denmark - Søborg

Today, we were all put in groups to make a presentation together. And by "together" I mean I pulled an all nighter to finish it by myself. My group criticized my work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 884
You deserved it 2 225

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when you put your name on it and tell the teacher that they did shit all

I hate people who don't do any work in the group. And for them to criticize you after you spent all night finishing for them is just so ******* low.


Welcome to the rest of your professional life. Those idiot leeched get jobs, too, feeding off the efforts of others. Worse, they are more likely to be promoted to a management postition.

Your life sucks because they didn't help you, but you deserve it for actually doing it all by yourself instead of talking to the person you were doing the presentation for and saying that they weren't willing to help.

all there was left to do was get critism. i mean thats the base principal for grades isnt it? but ya they should have done more then that