All together now

By aloneagainnaturally - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Denmark - Søborg

Today, we were all put in groups to make a presentation together. And by "together" I mean I pulled an all nighter to finish it by myself. My group criticized my work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 884
You deserved it 2 225

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when you put your name on it and tell the teacher that they did shit all

I hate people who don't do any work in the group. And for them to criticize you after you spent all night finishing for them is just so ******* low.


I ran into the same problem when I did group projects in school (and college). When I told the teachers I was just told "too bad" and "it happens" while they would lower my grade (and not my group members grades) because something wasn't perfect. Oftentimes my "do nothing" partners would end up with better grades than I did even if they DID admit they didn't do anything (they often tried to claim that the opposite was true and were believed because they either "had better attendance" (I had a lot of doctor appointments because of medical conditions) or were "sports players" or were "popular" or something along that line, leaving me out). My parents and I tried complaining once but it just ended up with me in more trouble and my "excused absence" (with a doctor note that the handbook said is always excused) turning into "unexcused" or the teachers, etc. sending me to detention for no reason.

VoodooPriestess 16

Once when I was in a group project, my "friend" had some religious trip that she knew completely about and went away for like 3 days and gave me all her work to do for her. She "helpfully" left her chicken scratch notes and no page of where she found her information, so when she came back on presentation day, she kept giving me weird looks because I ended up doing something different for her portion. I can't remember why she couldn't tell the teacher about her thing, but I remember at that point my grades had slipped and I was super worried about keeping them up. So group work sucks and you can't win for losing.

At your funeral make sure your group is there so they can let you down one more time

thecman25 14

I feel you, whenever I get put into a group im the one that does all the work

tell your teacher so they don't get credit. some people need to learn things the hard way.

I am also often the one that does most of the work on these types of things. Getting criticised for what you busted your butt on is just messed up. All feelings I know all to well.

that sucks FYL was it marked per person or as a group OP? because I know some group assessment are marked per person and same only as a group

next time that happens make sure to let the teacher know they didn't contribute. they don't deserve any credit for your work.

This is why I always opted out of group work in school, even if I'd get a lower grade. Either I had to do everything or the people I was working with refused to hear anything I said because they disliked me (I got bullied a lot in school). And no, the teachers didn't help.