All together now

By aloneagainnaturally - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Denmark - Søborg

Today, we were all put in groups to make a presentation together. And by "together" I mean I pulled an all nighter to finish it by myself. My group criticized my work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 884
You deserved it 2 225

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when you put your name on it and tell the teacher that they did shit all

I hate people who don't do any work in the group. And for them to criticize you after you spent all night finishing for them is just so ******* low.


This is the problem when the teacher grades groups as a whole instead by the individual. I never understood why they still do it that way.

This is why I always hated doing group projects. They turned more into solo projects with some members of the group getting free credit for not doing anything.

For presentations, i love to make it myself. If they do it... They just read of the screen.

Don't listen to them. I can't believe they had the ******* nerve to criticize you when they didn't do shit, people like that piss me off.

Hopefully if you tell the teacher he/she will grade the paper as your individual grade and make the others make another paper by themselves. That's what some teachers will do.

But OP should refuse and laugh at them floundering on a presentation that they have no idea about.