All together now

By aloneagainnaturally - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Denmark - Søborg

Today, we were all put in groups to make a presentation together. And by "together" I mean I pulled an all nighter to finish it by myself. My group criticized my work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 884
You deserved it 2 225

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when you put your name on it and tell the teacher that they did shit all

I hate people who don't do any work in the group. And for them to criticize you after you spent all night finishing for them is just so ******* low.


That's when you either tell the teacher it was all you, or completely delete all but your fair share and leave it at that.

That's when you tell the teacher you were the only one who did anything. I had that happen numerous times in in history 12 and my teacher was very understanding. It happened so often she allowed me to choose to work with a friend or alone

I feel for you because every time I did group projects I always got stuck with everything

ashley468 19

When I die, I want the people I did group projects with to lower me into my grave... So they can let me down one last time.

That actually happened to me also, numerous times! I told the teacher and she disciplined the others in my group..

Be sure to tell the teacher. You may NOT let them have any credit

brittanyleann72 8

This has happened to me and it ******* blows. They ended up criticizing it and not turning it in until over a month later. I explained it to my teacher and he gave me the only A so at least something good came of it

This is why everyone hates "group" projects. Generally everyone but one to two do nothing while the person or persons that do care about their GPA carry the load. When I complained I was told it was like sports- "You either succeed or fail as a team"- at that point I told my "team" to **** off so they wouldn't screw me over and just sign their names at the end. I REALLY hate group projects.