And I oop

By porkers gonna pork :\ - 12/03/2016 15:09 - Australia - Elsternwick

Today, I met one of my fiancé's coworkers. Normally I'd never ask how far along someone's pregnancy is without being 100% sure they're not just fat, but she seemed fit. Well, I now know that virtually all the fat in some people's bodies can go straight to their gut and nowhere else. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 846
You deserved it 6 374

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even if the person seems fit, you still NEVER ask, as bodies can be very deceiving. You should have listened to your own rule.

catwomam 15

I just follow the rule of never EVER asking ANY woman if she's pregnant unless the words "I am pregnant" come out of her mouth.


serpent_king 6

Op this is why I always use this trick: if you think someone is pregnant, ask them if they have any kids. That way they well tell you yes, yes and one on the way, or no. It always eliminates the risk of assumption.

I kinda felt sorry for you, but then I saw your username.

Some meds can cause that. My girlfriend and one of my neighbours are on clozapine; they have at least 3x as much fat on their gut than they do on the rest of their body combined.


Exact same thing happened back when I was working as a beauty therapist- she was mortified and said "How dare you! I don't even look pregnant!" but everyone I worked with agreed that the woman looked heavily pregnant... Anyway it's better to just not say anything- if a woman is pregnant, wait until she brings it up

A. Unless you see a baby's head crowning don't assume someone is pregnant B. Why the assy screen name? Was that necessary? Were you hoping to cover your jerk move with a second, bigger one?

YDI, especially with the rude username you chose. You are an awful person.

hes not its not like he ment it you cant say someones horrible because they didint know thats like slapping a baby because it didint poop in the toilet

I don't like the name but I don't think we can say OP is an awful person, that seems too far to me.

The easier way to ask without giving it away ask of she has any kids and she will either sau yes im pregnent or just no

don't even ask pregnant women how far along they are unless they're talking about their pregnancy. my biggest freakin pet peeve is when people are all like, ohhh you're getting sooo big!!! uhhhh, that's not any less offensive just because there's a baby growing in there. -___-

Never assume someone is pregnant. NEVER!

cfnavyusn 6

Easy way to find out if someone is pregnant or just fat is to ask if they have any kids. If they're pregnant, they'll most likely admit to having one on the way. If they're just fat, at least this way they won't be offended.