And I oop

By porkers gonna pork :\ - 12/03/2016 15:09 - Australia - Elsternwick

Today, I met one of my fiancé's coworkers. Normally I'd never ask how far along someone's pregnancy is without being 100% sure they're not just fat, but she seemed fit. Well, I now know that virtually all the fat in some people's bodies can go straight to their gut and nowhere else. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 846
You deserved it 6 374

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even if the person seems fit, you still NEVER ask, as bodies can be very deceiving. You should have listened to your own rule.

catwomam 15

I just follow the rule of never EVER asking ANY woman if she's pregnant unless the words "I am pregnant" come out of her mouth.


Okay, so it sucks that it happened, but your username is pretty offensive considering that I'm torn on whether or not it's an FYL or a YDI. Porkers gonna pork?

Never understood how anyone can make that mistake. Even if all the fat went to the stomach the shape of a pregnant stomach and a fat stomach are totally different.

Remember, unless you can see the baby crowning, you never ask anyone whether they are pregnant or how far along are they.

When I was a teenager, a friend, Steve, had a mother barely 40. One day Steve and I were leaving their house (mom was just outside the door and we were next to Steve's car) and I asked Steve discretely if his mother was pregnant..Steve looked curious for a moment, turned to his mother, "Hey Mom! unclewilly wants to know if you're pregnant!" "No, unclewilly, I'm just fat!" she replied. So I never mention it to anyone anymore. As a postscript, within a year she was back to fighting weight and looked pretty good.

That'd be what they call an apple shaped body. FYL but now you know

It doesn't really seem like you feel bad about it, given your username. So that combined with your decision not to follow your own rule means YDI.

To quote the wise comedian Brian Reagan, "don't guess at that ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever."

TAntobella 14

Women with IBS - Inflamed Bowel Syndrome can really look pregnant. One more reason not to ask, as nobody wants to have to explain that they are either fat or having a medical condition, which btw happens to be linked to huge amount of stress.

Hmmm asking is someone pregnant hardly goes well!