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Apron springs

By whyme - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my mother screamed and swore at me because I said I was looking to move out soon. Apparently, the idea of me moving out at 27 and her getting a job to pay her own way is devastating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 097
You deserved it 3 047

Top comments

Even more reason to move out, make her lazy ass pay her own way.

76transam 0

Damn at 27 my mom would say "Dont let the door hit u in the ass on the way out!"


hateevryone 14

tell her to get a sponsor (sugardaddy)

Miouya 0

.......really, that's all the advice you give op?

xJVlental 4

If something the derastic is happening, she is obviously having some mental blocks about the situation for some reason. I think out of love and constern for your mom, you should first talk to her about it, and if te doesn't work, got see a psychologiest with her. Then when she seems at least a little better, help her find a job and move out.

HunterAlpha1 8

i know it's hard to get out of that rut. i'm 25 and still living at home even though i've tried to get myself moving.

scruff13 0

I feel your pain. my mom moved in with me at the age of 19. I asked her to start contributing something at the age of 24, since she had 5 years to get herself reestablished. it was ugly lol. good luck man.

At least its just one person and not 5 whole families that rely on you. It could be worse.

How could you do something like that and then say FYL? What is wrong with you? You will get rightful sympathy from no one. Why couldn't your wife be enough for you? If she wasn't, then just leave her; it's better than making an even bigger ass of yourself by cheating. AND not using enough protection. Now there is a human being coming into this world. You should give it up for adoption. There are some people who can't have children and are waiting seemingly endless years for a baby to keep. (even though it would be better if they adopted a child from foster care...) so do SOMETHING good with this mess you made, please. This is the only good way to clean it up.

SORRY! wrong comment on wrong FML!!! Sorry, OP. tough and awkward situation. You'll make it through!

katmarie89 0

I know exactly where your coming from. Except that I'm cutting my mom off real soon seeing as I have a baby on the way and that's the main reason I moved out so I could be more responsible. I'm only 22 and it took me that long to realize its not supposed to be you taking care of a parent, but the parent of you. That's why they're called our parents and us they're children

FYL. Also Do you know Howard Wolowitz by any chance ?