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By FML Approved - 11/07/2017 16:00 - France - Paris

I agree, your life sucks 1 169
You deserved it 239

Top comments

good chance he would beat the current president....then win the election

imnotcleverenoughforthis 14

The 2016 Election went from choosing the most qualified and competent leader for the country, to a reality show. And yes, HRC gave in to the hype as well. It set the precedent for people like the Rock, Oprah, and Stephen Colbert to run in 2020. Trump's win showed people that you don't need political expertise, or even experience, to win the Presidency. It's kind of scary to think that the next election (and maybe even a few after) could be less about who's the best leader for the country, and more about who's got the most ratings.


good chance he would beat the current president....then win the election

Except this puts into perspective why he shouldn't:

I’m hoping that Rachel Maddow or Bob Mueller will lay the smackdown on Trump before 2020, but The Rock is a good backup plan.

imnotcleverenoughforthis 14

The 2016 Election went from choosing the most qualified and competent leader for the country, to a reality show. And yes, HRC gave in to the hype as well. It set the precedent for people like the Rock, Oprah, and Stephen Colbert to run in 2020. Trump's win showed people that you don't need political expertise, or even experience, to win the Presidency. It's kind of scary to think that the next election (and maybe even a few after) could be less about who's the best leader for the country, and more about who's got the most ratings.

I Donno what you're talking about. The reality show is still going on.

You're assuming there will BE a next election.

1. There's always going to be elections. It's "Un-American" otherwise. 2. It's always been a popularity contest. ALWAYS. No different than the high school student president. It has never been about who "best suits the role" but rather whoever is the most popular kid. I this case, Johnson is undoubtedly one of the most influential celebrities of our time, he'll win to just about anyone other than Opera. It's sad and terrifying.

This country is truly going to hell in a handbasket.

Better than the President we currently have and more qualified by a long shot. Just saying.

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