
By bitches. - 15/06/2009 00:39 - United States

Today, I was walking by a bunch of pretty girls. I'm not the most attractive boy, so I walked by nervously. I heard one yell, "Hey cutie!" I turned to look, and they started laughing. She said, "Oh my god, sorry! I assumed you were cute from your butt!" Apparently, my ass is nicer than my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 476
You deserved it 3 449

Same thing different taste

Top comments

EvenIfItKillsMe 0

awh. People can be so mean.

You sound like a sweety, though. At least your ass is nice?


As you get older there will be (slightly) fewer retarded girls like that, and more normal people. But, in general, don't turn around.

DieselGirl 0

this is a sad FML, i hate when girls like that ruin it for everyone else, this poor guy. but if it happens again and you happen to turn around and they say something like that, just be like "Oh good lord, thank god you dont find me attractive" and walk away shuddering... that'll be a good kick to the vag for them. I was walking down the street and some guy was like "i like fat chicks" not sure if he was talking to me or my friend i turned around and said "and i like Ugly douche bags, we're meant to be together"...he drove away and didn't say anything back.. worked like a charm

Thats hilarious!! Im laughing so hard right now! "I like ugly douchebags!" haha!'

Those girls were just immature. You and your nice ass should have ignored them. #10 go be a dick somewhere else and while YOU'RE at it, learn proper grammar

glassjaw_90 0

Sorry man, that really blows. They're just superficial bitches. Be confident.

kishycathiee 0

those girls prolly have cellulite, be proud you have a nice booty!

tay7 0

number 10.. shut up im sure your not good looking

That's like a whole new definition of butterface. Sorry that happened, OP. Those girls are probably insecure and vapid. Shy guys can be really cute =)