At least someone's happy…

By reckless182 - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had to tell my 10 year-old son that his father and I are getting a divorce. His reply? "Yes! I call living with dad!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 672
You deserved it 13 565

Top comments


Awe, well yeah kids can be pretty harsh.


hewro_failure 11

Little kids think that moms punish and dads are relaxed about everything so don't take it personally the kid will realize the dad isn't that great when he starts to punish him and he will want to switch and live with you

I went through it when I was about ten, and the only thing I said was 'Oh, okay' I wouldn't take it too hard, he might just be unsure what to say. FYL

Why does the mother deserve this everyone? She didn't do anything. It better to be raised in a house of rules then to be given to much freedom. Now I'm not saying that she the best mother in the world but you guys don't know the situation at all. Now she could be a terrible mother but she could also be a great mother. My parents got a divorce when I was 9 years old I had to live with my mother and now I'm glad I did. I'm 16 now and I visited my father over the summer and he was very relaxed. It not always good to be relaxed because I flew 900 miles to be with him and he didn't really want to interact while my mother(the queen of rules) loves to interact with me.

Boys tend to have a special bond with their dads.

Ydi op, chances are if he's that excited about living with his dad alone, you've ****** up reeeeaalllll bad somewhere along the line

mattiagardin 15

Sounds like you are really a terrible parent