At least someone's happy…

By reckless182 - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had to tell my 10 year-old son that his father and I are getting a divorce. His reply? "Yes! I call living with dad!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 672
You deserved it 13 565

Top comments


Awe, well yeah kids can be pretty harsh.


Adora_fml 0

Sometimes, people don't think enough of what a mother goes through in raising her children. Sorry to hear that. He'll come around when he's older. (To appreciate both parents evenly.) I mean, it shows something that you were the responsible one that stepped up and told your son anyhow. Not like you were gloating or anything.

kids don't really understand the repercussions of this sort of thing, without knowing more of the story I'd say he didn't do it out of nastiness and will come to realise the grass isn;t always greener on the other side. My son wanted to live with his dad, and i agreed thinking it might be best for him, we didn't even get that far and my son has woken up to see daddy is not all he thought he was/.

thefury 0

ydi I'm sure your a bitch, else the kid would want to live with you.

the kids 10, when i was 10 i knew wether or not if my mum was a bitch..that's why i live with my dad

You're not technically allowed to choose where you want to live until you are twelve, besides the mom will more than likely win custody, although I don't know if you even want him.

You grammar nazis are idiots. It is: 'his father and me' not 'his father and I' because 'me' is the object form of the personal pronoun and 'I' is the subject form. Also the prson who suggested someone was hypocritical because the accused spelled 'grammar' wrong ought to learn the difference between grammar and orthography.

Yeah right, a 10 year old would totally say that.