Bad hair day

By ewwgross - 20/05/2011 23:29 - United States

Today, at my hairdressing job, my first client of the day came in for a cut. Her hair smelled awful, and when I asked her why, she informed me that she'd gotten trashed with some friends the night before, and one of them had puked in her hair. She came to me to get it cleaned out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 453
You deserved it 3 682

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ladolcemostro 0

Gross people are just lazy these days.


Ewwww. Some people have no concept of propriety. That's just wrong. And gross.

She decided your hands were more worthy of touching all that good stuff, OP. You should be honored.

misstamz 0

Was she too hungover to shower?

LoHo71511 0

Ughhhh, I feel ya... I am a stylist as well... I want know where the hell some peoples Hygiene has gone?!?!?

trixy81 10

time to bring out the rubber gloves

WompWompWomp123 7
luvyabunches 1

u just ASKED her y her hair smelled awful?? that seems a bit rude..

Don't you think it's a bit rude to ask a new client that? Yeah, it's gross, but pointing out that clients smell isn't a good way to get tips or repeat business.

Why would she WANT this person to come back? She came in covered in vomit, if anything they should've told her to GTFO and never come back, that's completely unsanitary and it's not fair that the other clients and employees had to deal with the smell.