Bad idea

By Anonymous - 19/04/2009 21:44 - United States

Today, I was on a friend's trampoline trying to convince my mom that trampolines are safe and we should get one. While telling her, I smashed my knee into my face. I jumped off bleeding, slipped, hit my head on the trampoline, and got knocked unconscious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 459
You deserved it 35 046

Same thing different taste

Top comments

akeep5 0

so did you get a trampoline or not?


Smooth move there. Don't count on getting that trampoline anytime soon. #3, you can argue that anything is unsafe. As long as people aren't serious idiots while they're on them, they won't get hurt.

holy shit theres a ******* trampoline add on the side bar i kid you not

likavirgin 0

wwwwwwwwwõów dude that sucks

I've never owned a trampoline because my parents feel the same way, however two of my friends owned one. On friend ones, I did a flip but came down too soon and rammed my knee into my chest, knocking the wind out of me. Several months later, we were being idiots and jumping on it while it was wet. I was trying to do a 720 spin. I did it too close to the edge, flipped over the safety net and smashed my mouth off of the metal bar, chipping a tooth and a half. That didn't hurt all that much until I started spitting out pieces of tooth. As for friend two, I've only been on her trampoline once (I don't go to her house often because she lives farther away). When I was on it, I was trying to get enough air to too a flip. Well, I got too much air and freaked out. To not fly off of the trampoline, I grabbed onto the (not so safe) safety net and pulled a muscle in my shoulder and my chest. Other than that, trampolines are a lot of fun.

Shannn 0
HunterFalls13 0

Aww now you'll never get your trampoline

tweeters14 0

Consontrate on what u r doing on a trampoline and stop jumping if u r gonna talk to someone.