Bad idea

By Anonymous - 19/04/2009 21:44 - United States

Today, I was on a friend's trampoline trying to convince my mom that trampolines are safe and we should get one. While telling her, I smashed my knee into my face. I jumped off bleeding, slipped, hit my head on the trampoline, and got knocked unconscious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 459
You deserved it 35 046

Same thing different taste

Top comments

akeep5 0

so did you get a trampoline or not?


Im in a bitter mood today, so let me tell you about my dad's best friend from high school. He tried a flip on a wet trampoline, and spent the remainder of his short life strapped to a board with a machine breathing for him and needles shoved up his arm.

yup, sounds like they are safe enough... but it some how feels like you ain't getting one.

scott_m319 0
x__fallen 6

I smash my two front teeth on a trampoline once. & Then I somersaulted OFF of the trampoline another time. yea. I HATE those things D:

beatle909 0

Guess your not gettin that trampoline, huh? That sucks.

YDI for not being careful, and @1, this FML isn't ironic.

haha that's convincing ;) XD honestly I love trampolines but fyl for kicking yourself in the face

... YDI for not being able to stay safe on one.

tohaveandtohold 0