Bad luck

By login_eddy - 17/09/2010 18:37 - France

Today, while cleaning behind a ladder, I banged my head on one of the hand rails. I stood up, cursed, and moved to the other side. To my luck, I hit the other side of my head. I now have two lumps perfectly placed as horns on my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 665
You deserved it 6 747

Same thing different taste


gusgus36 5

op that sucks but is a kinda funny mental image... when people ask what happens, just say you're gradually turning into a goat and it starts with growing horns..yep..


haha , I bet you look like a devil :)

SaintE_fml 0

lmaooo us uncoordinated ppl keep the world entertained!