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By Anonymous - 28/01/2012 17:09 - United States

Today, while I was washing my hands, I sneezed so hard that I smacked my head against the faucet. I now have a lump the size of a goose egg on my head. I'm not sure if it's going to hatch, or if that's just the brain damage talking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 680
You deserved it 3 732

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YourEvilHero 12

let it hatch it's the right thing to do

liveyourlife_191 8

Either you have a really bad posture, or your head was down near the faucet?... I can't think of any reasonable explanation to how this is possible...But then again I've heard of many injuries caused by sneezing. FYL


YourEvilHero 12

let it hatch it's the right thing to do

Naomimi_fml 6
PYLrulz 17
lindseykcool 6

I'm so sorry, but is it wrong of me to find this one of the funniest FMLs I've read? Take care of it and let it hatch. :)

Oh. You're one of those people who lacks self control when they sneeze...

Hands wash you in America too. How do you think you are able to clean your body?

maxwells_hammer 5
liveyourlife_191 8

Either you have a really bad posture, or your head was down near the faucet?... I can't think of any reasonable explanation to how this is possible...But then again I've heard of many injuries caused by sneezing. FYL

Ali_Br_fml 33

Or OP could just be a little person. They wash their hands too!!!

cruxx 0

Op could also be tall, and have to bend over the sink to wash their hands

Apparently it was such a violent, explosive sneeze that OP doubled over and hit their head. Nbd I do that sometimes too...

On a side note; I got moderated for apparently questioning the authenticity of an FML. Where's the consistency FML staff??!!

My wife has done it as well. Its the funniest thing ever to witness.

Ok don't panic. Unless you do want to panic because that's what most people would do when they find out they have brain damage.

ShroomsOnAcid 16

I wish my brain damage could talk.

Brain damage, ever since the day i was born Drugs what they used to say i was on They said i never knew which way i was goin But everywhere i go they keep playing my so-ACHOOOO!

jackrileymac 4

That is horribly rude! People who actually have that disorder can't help it.

cruxx 0

I agree with you, but what does this have to do with the FML?

IKickPuppiesHard 16

Atleast you didn't stab yourself in the head with a fork this time.

mama2b3 20

Um just based on the things you said in this fml I think you should probably go to a hospital op. NOW.

Michael_92 20

13 never got a goose egg before? I got one after falling on my bike... And falling down the stairs... And running into a tree.... And slipping on ice... And tripping into a hooker... (ok the first one was real)

You wash your hands strange. Why is your face so close to the faucet?

To see it better. Or cause the faucet smells good.

danileah 0

or op could have leaned in and when op sneezed hit their head. ive done it pleanty of times.