Bad luck

By login_eddy - 17/09/2010 18:37 - France

Today, while cleaning behind a ladder, I banged my head on one of the hand rails. I stood up, cursed, and moved to the other side. To my luck, I hit the other side of my head. I now have two lumps perfectly placed as horns on my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 665
You deserved it 6 747

Same thing different taste


you should have fun with it and walk in a church, haha

drawing_a_blank 0

I guess you know your Halloween costume for this year.

Damn, you beat me to it. Hellboy was the first thing I thought of too.

WearingHats 14

That's not funny, don't try so hard next time.

how is this an fml? I've always wanted horns

the thing is he's probably over exaggerating and the bump are tiny and barely visible

I don't want to hear from you, son of satan.

I guess you shouldn't go under a ladder lol