Bad omen

By IHateMyJob - 18/01/2009 04:00 - United Kingdom

Today, I received an email from my boss telling me how appreciated I was and how valuable I am to the company. I wish I hadn't scrolled down to read the included conversation where he asked his boss whether to lie to me about how good I was or not. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 527
You deserved it 2 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think you should reply his email and say thank you very much, and that you understand certain things that you haven't been doing as well as you should have + how you will improve. CC his boss.


I'd take this as a cue to do better.

Don't believe this at all. Why would he just randomely send you an email telling you that? Especially if he didn't believe it. LIE

He accidentally sent it to OP instead of the boss

My partners job gives out letters and boxes of chocolates to people for doing a good job. also if the earlier conversation was with the boss it was probably something about the performance reviews

this is faker than balls. Why would he send you that out of nowhere, then write something to someone else IN THE EMAIL?

I think you should reply his email and say thank you very much, and that you understand certain things that you haven't been doing as well as you should have + how you will improve. CC his boss.

AviKerensky 17

I can understand him trying to tell you good things, but he's a moron for not deleting the earlier portions of the email.