Bad start

By fuck but no fuck - 02/08/2013 19:44 - South Africa - Pretoria

Today, I finally felt ready to make love to my boyfriend for the first time. It all went great, until I tried putting the condom on him. In the process, I managed to nick his penis not once, but three times with my nails. His eyes brimmed with tears and he completely lost his erection. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 101
You deserved it 28 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Next time just let him put it on. Damn girls and their long nails.

Why couldn't he just put it on himself after the first nick?

CreepInTheCorner 11

Your nails must be pretty long then, OP... Better luck next time though! If he gives you another chance at it, that is.

This is more like a FHL if you ask me. Also you should watch, because your nicking could put a hole in the condom if you aren't careful.

I haven't gotten a hand job in cargo shorts since Nam

Next time try without long nails first until you get more accustomed to your practice perhaps? O.o

grashopper8 7

Trim your nails and try again. The first time is never that great :) it'll be more fun every time

Axel5238 29

How sharp are the OP's nails that she was able to nick him? Trim and file those razors down.

Should of put it on himself the lazy b*stard