Bad start

By fuck but no fuck - 02/08/2013 19:44 - South Africa - Pretoria

Today, I finally felt ready to make love to my boyfriend for the first time. It all went great, until I tried putting the condom on him. In the process, I managed to nick his penis not once, but three times with my nails. His eyes brimmed with tears and he completely lost his erection. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 101
You deserved it 28 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Did he not know how to put one on, or did you both just think it was sexy for you to do it @ the risk of nicking his penis &/or tearing a hole in the condom with your nails...btw, there are instructions inside the box (if he didn't/doesn't know how to PROPERLY put one on, best if you BOTH read them)...still a FHL not yours, because you can always try again later after he heals...he has to live with the memory of the pain.

Gunguy 11

Why didn't he just put it on?

Why are using nails?? You need to roll it onto the penis. Didn't you pay attention in sex-Ed??

BrianaKoala 7

Aw :( sorry OP, keep practicing on bananas or something so you can get through that embarassing memory next time! :D I'm sure he'll let you try again!

Let him put it on next time. I've found the guys are quicker at it usually. It's good that you wanted to. It's good foreplay but if you have long nails you have to be careful. And maybe practice with a few on a banana. Have fun next time and enjoy yourself.

duckit 0

He should put it on himself and if you can't even get that right, you might not be mature enough to be having sex anyways

rickyblair 16

He's a trooper for letting you get that far. After the first nick my ex probably would've finished it himself. Better luck next time =)

Are you Edward Scissor Hands? How does that happen three times?