Bad start

By fuck but no fuck - 02/08/2013 19:44 - South Africa - Pretoria

Today, I finally felt ready to make love to my boyfriend for the first time. It all went great, until I tried putting the condom on him. In the process, I managed to nick his penis not once, but three times with my nails. His eyes brimmed with tears and he completely lost his erection. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 101
You deserved it 28 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments


It's reasons like this why I let my husband put them on himself. I don't wanna risk hurting him or breaking a whole pack.

Exactly. Completely agree. Show him you can keep your hands and mouth busy *wink* *wink* while he puts it on. I HATE doing that and I suck at it as well. *No pun intended*

Wizardo 33

Next time take it easy and cut your nails dammit >…< this is the male equivalent of a girl getting 'nicked' by a cat.

Truths 8

Not everyone can be pro at putting condoms on like you can apparently.

What comment were your replying to and who lit the fuse on your damn tampon? He made a comment. That wasn't even a smartass comment so really?! And I completely agree 15, cut and file your dann nails so they dont hurt. x_x

I agree with #99. He made a valid comment, no need to be an asshole about it.

kathryn14 19

Don't use your fingertips. Use your index finger and thumb to make a circle, and roll it on! Or just have him do it.

Well at 17 years old you sound like a true pro at this

stalking little girls on the internet?

BrodieMike 4

How? It just rolls on. It isn't complicated.

KiddNYC1O 20

You try putting on a smaller condom

Minor, try again another time, atleast your using protection.

KinkyCurly 13

These corrections are becoming annoying. Get over yourself.

@78 Speak for yourself. At least there is a chance people will learn.

I'm pretty sure that after the second time I'd be saying "You know 'bout I try it this time?"

Cut your nails! Guys don't notice that stuff! Better luck next time OP!