
By Anonymous - 12/04/2016 12:29 - United States - Saint Louis

Today, my friend invited me to his boxing club for the first time. Since I'm somewhat short and scrawny-looking, he was worried that the workout would be too difficult for me. I waved him off and told him that I was tougher than I looked. Five minutes into class, I sprained my ankle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 950
You deserved it 4 944

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just because you're little doesn't mean that you are weak. I was the smallest guy in my platoon in bootcamp and still beat the shit out of my opponents when we did body sparring. Bad luck on the ankle sprain but come back once you are healed and show them what you are made of!!


I'm the shortest of my friends but one of the strongest. Don't let your size define you

Dodge4x4Ram 46

next time take the friendly advice ********

In your defense, spraining ankles is apparently not hard to do. One time I was excitedly walking over to my dog to give her a hug and somehow managed to sprain my ankle pretty bad. Sometimes you just have to move it exactly wrong, and sometimes the exact wrong way is something random.

Agreed. One time I managed to sprain my ankle while talking to a girl I liked. We were just standing in the retail high street talking, then suddenly my ankle decides it wants to be horizontal. I flailed, fell off the sidewalk into a parked car, which, by the way, happened to have an obnoxiously loud alarm. I ended up with a sprained ankle, an uproar of pedestrian laughter, a pissed off motorist, and a massive hit to my dignity. Effing Ankles. I sympathize, OP.

I feel like you should have ended that story with FML.

I would have posted it, but this happened to me 11 years ago. Feels like I'd be cheating.

I suppose it could be worse. I ended up tearing my ACL and medial meniscus in a pro fight, and it wasn't even my opponent's fault. All I did was circle out. Thankfully, sprained ankles heal relatively quickly, and you should be able to try again.

Don't worry, just bad luck I bet. I doubt anyone thinks that you're weak just cause you broke your ankle. I'm very tall for my age (14 and 6'1") but I'm weak as hell, smaller people are actually probably stronger in many cases lol.

Dude. You just broke the two first rules of fight club

Your smaller stature doesn't make you weak. Sucks that you sprained your ankle, but YDI for disregarding your friend's advice about the intensity of training for a sport where objective is to beat the shit out if another person. Hope you feel better soon OP. Give it another try and improve your footwork.

Think of lionel messy as your idol OP, he is short but still he posses such good skills and endurance with hardwork and practice that he out runs many taller football players.