Beep beep beep

By chloe - 29/06/2009 09:44 - Australia

Today, I was rushing to get on the train to work as I heard the "door closing" beeps. I was about to step onto the train when a man pushed me out of the way so that he could get on. My handbag fell out of my hand into the carriage. I stayed on the platform. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 148
You deserved it 3 131

Same thing different taste


That sucks. Once my dad was on a crowded train, and when the door beeped he shoved this really fat woman off the train and back onto the platform. Everyone cheered in the carriage.

MukyDaCookie 0

thats hilarious. I would have laughed my ass off. Good job to your dad

MeganH0LLYW00D 0

Hopefully someone on the train saw him do it and kicked his ass.

withthepizzagirl 0

Oh that sucks. Try waking up like ten minutes earlier. And you do deserve it a little, like someone up there said there's a reason the beeps are there. The guy was an ass though.

Nomad609 0

No one deserves that. Dont be so stupid, what if shes on a rush or an emergency came up and she deserved being pushed and lose her handbag? It doesnt hurt to use your brain, idiot.

Kyothine 0

"Idiot"? She was on the train to WORK. Read carefully.

IDIOT. he said 'what IF shes on a rush or an emergency ' we already read she's going to work hes suggesting what could of happen. You read carefully.

Can we all just agree that if the OP managed her time better, then this realistically wouldn't have happened?

cartering 0

Seems like an excellent way to purse snatch

Did you ask anyone at the train station for help?