Believe in your dreams

By ZAS - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, at the daycare center that I volunteer at, a 5 year-old boy asked me, "What do you do when you really want something?" I told him to try his best to get it and give it his best. He ended up stealing from the donation box and when he was caught he said that I told him to do it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 159
You deserved it 6 379

Same thing different taste

Top comments

martron3000 5

Kid's got a great future in politics: 1- Interprets answers to his questions to his own benefit 2-Knows how to steal 3-Lies & blames it on someone else.

And that is why you try to get as much info as you can from a child about their question before you answer it.....


LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That just made my day.

cheesepuff18 0

Ha. Kids can do anything and get away with it. Good times

jdb2009 0

You got played by a kid, just don't let that happen when it's time to explain the shit. ******* kid will probably have a record when he's 13 or something, **** him.

Kids say the darnedest things. All you needed was Bill Cosby.

the answer should have been: Ask for it, kid.

#6, that's exactly what I was thinking!

Jessyca_fml 0

lol that is such a cute story. I hope you did some explaining so the other faculty will understand what you meant. But that is very very funny :)

sunshyne84_fml 0

its not your fault he's a heathen